Nietzsche — The meaning of life and devices to get thereAfter a few weeks, I learned a lot more than just how to pronounce his nameSep 27, 2020Sep 27, 2020
Changing the World of Detection: Cas 13Cancer, COVID, Agriculture, Point MutationsMay 31, 2020May 31, 2020
CRISPR 101It’s about time you learned the full capabilities of CRISPR with a focus on Cas 9May 17, 2020May 17, 2020
CAR T-Cells: The Key that's Unlocking CancerCancer. Despite how much the world has changed, the way an average person views cancer hasn’t. The field of immunotherapy has been growing…May 11, 2020May 11, 2020
Putting A Magnifying Glass Under GenomicsAnd how Sherlock Solves his MysteriesApr 18, 2020Apr 18, 2020